

EDUCATION IN COLOMBIA by: sindy saavedra

Fist of all, I go to talk about the education in colombia.
Children of coffee-growing families are often underserved by the Colombian education system. Many parents must choose between sending their children to school and keeping them home to help support the family business. In colombia, there are private schools and public schools and private universities and public universities. The education in colombia is good

Education in Colombia comprehends the formal and non-formal education.
Formal education is composed of :
Nursery school.
Elementary school.
High school.
technical instruction and college education.

Most of the children under 5 years are provided with daycare and nursery school in community homes sponsored by the National Institute for Family Welfare (ICBF acronym in Spanish), When children of Colombia learn to read and write, they are usually transferred to the elementary school. There are also a large number of private kindergarden facilities, but most of the time the high fees are very restrictive to the average family.Elementary school last 5 years and is meant to provide the basic skills to achieve non-qualified jobs.

Primary educationn is free and compulsoryy for nine years for children between 6 and 12 years of age.Secondary education is divided in basic secondary (grades 6th to 9th) and mid secondary (grades 10th and 11th). Almost all secondary schools are in the larger cities. Secondary education core curriculum comprises history, geography, mathematics, physiscs, chemistry and biology.
In colombia are many universities importants, these are the national university in bogota founded in 1572, is one of the oldest in the western hemisphere.the universidad javeriana, founded in 1622, which is operated by the jesuitas. The universidad de los andes, a private institution based us a model.

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