Moreover, it is important that people know the educational system in his country for comment and perfection it.
These are the main features of the educational system in Brazil and Colombia:
- For children from 0 to 3 years old. You don´t have to take this grade, bat if you take it you need go to a “Creche” or nursery school.
- And for children from 3 to 6 years old. If you decide take this course, you need go to a pre-school authorized.
The second degree is the Fundamental education, this degree you have to take all the children in Brazil, is compulsory because the State pay for the education of all children that go to a public school. Students start this degree when are 7 years old and finish when you are 14 years old.
The third degree is the Middle and technology education. Students begin classes when are 15 years and ended when they are 18 years of age. When you finish this degree, you have to take a “VESTIBULAR” exam.
And the last one degree is Higher education. You can study in a University, a collage, an institution or an academy. This stage is optional and you can choose a major. After studying a major, you can continue to study and do a masters degree or a doctorate.
In Colombia, children can start the school when are 3 years old, bat is not compulsory.
The first degree is Pre-school, children start when are 3 years old an ends when are 6 year old. This degree split in 3 stages:
1. Pre-nursery
2. Nursery
3. Pre- school or Transition
The last one is the only compulsory stage for all children that want to enter in the next degree.
The second degree is Basic education, the children start when are 6 years old and after five years the students finish this degree, and continue with the Basic secondary education , in this degree, the children stay for 4 years.
Then, you have 2 options, the first is continue with the Middle education; or second start the Work and technical education.
If you choose the first option, you have to study 2 years and present the “ICFES” exam and you can enter in the higher education. If you choose the second one option you can´t enter in the higher education.
But the most part of the students take the first option and can start the higher education. In this degree you can choose a major and after 3 or 6 years you can continue study a postgraduate (specialties, masters, doctorates and post-doctorates).
As we can see, the educational systems in Brazil and Colombia are very different. And taking into account that Brazil guaranteed education is compulsory for all children between 7 and 14 years of age.
- Iberoamericanos, O. d. (s.f.). La Educación Técnico-Profesional en Iberoamérica. Recuperado el 3 de Noviembre de 2008, de Brasil: Esquema general del sistema :
- Iberoamericanos, O. d. (s.f.). Colombia. Recuperado el 3 de Noviembre de 2008, de Organización de la educacion infantil 2002:
- Iberoamericanos, O. d. (s.f.). RED QUIPU Colombia - Resumen 1998. Recuperado el 3 de Noviembre de 2008, de Estructura y organización del sistema educativo:
- Universia. (s.f.). Estructura del sistema educativo en Brasil. Recuperado el 3 de Noviembre de 2008, de
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